AADARANA with all its achievement still feels to do much more in the field of service. AADARANA has already entered the field of education through ‘Amithabha AADARANA Vidyalaya’.
Now AADARANA wishes to expand this wing of service to higher education-first with Junior college then into a degree college. AADARANA feels the service to the poor should not stop at the school level itself.
AADARANA also wishes to establish Technical Training centers(Tradesmen Courses) for unemployed poor youth who will be able to establish their own small service units to make out a living, like electricians, lathe operators, welders, etc
AADARANA also wishes to help women destitute by helping them to set up small business establishments to enable them to earn a livelihood.
These are a few of the many ambitious programs of AADARANA.
Today AADARANA remembers all those who are instrumental in founding AADARANA and its phenomenal growth in serving the needy and bringing about transformation in their lives. They are certainly happy now and we along with the present inmates and those who had been the inmates of AADARANA once and now leading happy lives are really indebted to all of you who had and have been extending a helping hand for the successful run and achievement of AADARANA.
We once again thank you all and request you to kindly continue your shouldering the responsibilities of AADARANA.